Get over being angry that PAST didn't get a vote in 2014; get active. In 2016 combine your voicewith the voices of others who are sharing both belief and knowledge with the public and elected officials. Prepare to stick with it and work at it for as long as it takes. That's how change happens. If ending soring was dependent on good intentions it would already have been accomplished.
Be Visible
Reach out to your congressmen and women. Contact your senators. Go to local town hall meetings with handouts; let your elected officials know that the assertive enforcement of the Horse Protection Act is an important issue for you.
Add your name to endorsement lists in support of the PAST Act.
Write letters to your local media as appropriate.
Follow for timely petitions related to the Tennessee Walking Horse and sign your name.
Use every means at your disposal, including some you haven't thought of yet, to make change happen.
Donate to help projects that you believe will help to increase public attention and opinion towards the soring issue.
Spread the WorD
There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself. Start with your friends and family.
Inform your Horse Club and the 4-H. Reach out via social media.
Help at anti-soring/sound horse booths at public expos. Go on record.
Now that the PAST Act S.1121 has been reintroduced in the Senate, as well as in the House HR 3268, work to get your state senators and representatives to co-sponsor the bill.
Always be courteous; always be well prepared; always be accurate; always avoid personal attacks. The facts of the abuse are more than sufficient to make the case and sharing information contained in public data bases about violation histories is a professional act not a personal one.